[AVR 강의] 실습보드 회로도

Posted 2009. 11. 25 Updated 2017. 06. 02 Views 16343 Replies 0


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Board Schematic.png
▲ 2009년도 바라미 17기 AVR강의용 실습보드 회로도

[다운로드] Board_Schematic.pdf

보드 사양

- 7805 5V Regulator with bridge diode protection circuit
- ATmega16 Processor
- Reset Switch
- 10Pin ISP Interface
- 8bit LED Array
- Serial Interface with MAX232
- 2 Digit 7-Segment with Decoder
- Variable Resistor for ADC
- 2 Interrupt Switch
- Buzzer & LED for PWM test